September 14, 2019

Authors: Lights in Darkness

Did you ever escape in a book in the darkest hour of your life? Did you feel grateful to the author for writing that book that saved you?

I felt that kind of gratitude to numerous authors. I can not just pick a name of one of them.

So, I wanted (still, do) to be an author of hope. I wanted that my books would one day save someone, brighten their darkest hour.

When I started to write, I realized that my books did not need to be totally feel-good stories to give hope. Portraying unusual, unimaginable, but, realistic stories could also give hope to the readers. Because, those stories would make them feel that they were not alone, that some people before them had gone through those situations and survived.

Only doctors or firefighters or other professional saviors do not save lives. Authors do that, too. They are just not acknowledged. No book is written in vain. Someone is getting hope from those.

So, Authors/Writers keep writing.

Copyright 2019 by Bithi Paul

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