Time is a great historian. It forgets nothing. It forgives no one. Sinners commit sin. People forget and God forgives them. But, time does not.
Time always punishes those, who deserve it, by not letting their memories die. Being timeless is a punishment for some people.
Look at the political arena. Siraj ud-Daulah lost and Mir Zafar won. But, time is a great executioner. We do not praise Siraj ud-Daulah as much we disparage Mir Zafar. Similarly, Julius Ceasar lost and Brutus won. We do not praise Julius Ceasar as much as we disparage Brutus.
In the religious aspect, time is as much unforgiving towards the traitors. In the Hindu epic Ramayana, Vibhishana did the right thing morally. Still, time never forgets that he betrayed his family and country. And, in Christianity, Judas is as much unforgivable to time, even if Christ Himself forgave his traitor.
In the same way, time rewards those, who deserve it, even if they were punished wrongly in their life time. The most obvious example is Socrates. The great mind, so wrongly judged and punished in his life time is now the most revered personality of all times. Time has compensated him a thousandfold for all the wrongs endured by him. For him, being timeless is a reward.
So, time reveals everything that people think they have hidden so well. Time finds out every good and bad deed and doles out rewards and punishments accordingly, by making them unforgettable in time.
Copyright 2020 by Bithi Paul
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