February 6, 2021

Professional Choices: Success and Satisfaction

All of us want to be successful in our chosen profession. But, some of us want to do something that they like.

I know, most people do not have the luxury to do what they like. But, I believe that success comes to those who really like their work. Because, it is easier to disappoint others rather than themselves.

October 9, 2020

About Human Life

Human life is not a war to be won.

It is a battle that lasts the entire life.

Above all, human beings cannot be defeated as long as they do not accept defeat.

Copyright 2020 by Bithi Paul

October 2, 2020

Time: The Ultimate Judge

Time is a great historian. It forgets nothing. It forgives no one. Sinners commit sin. People forget and God forgives them. But, time does not.

Time always punishes those, who deserve it, by not letting their memories die. Being timeless is a punishment for some people.

Look at the political arena. Siraj ud-Daulah lost and Mir Zafar won. But, time is a great executioner. We do not praise Siraj ud-Daulah as much we disparage Mir Zafar. Similarly, Julius Ceasar lost and Brutus won. We do not praise Julius Ceasar as much as we disparage Brutus.

In the religious aspect, time is as much unforgiving towards the traitors. In the Hindu epic Ramayana, Vibhishana did the right thing morally. Still, time never forgets that he betrayed his family and country. And, in Christianity, Judas is as much unforgivable to time, even if Christ Himself forgave his traitor.

December 7, 2019

Toni Morrison: A Courageous Person and Author

I will not be able to read anymore works by this author - this is my usual response to the news of the passing away of my favorite authors. Because, I usually value the writers in them or their works more than the people who have written the works. And, I suppose, every author, including me, wants to be remembered by their works. But, this has not been my first thought when I heard of the death of Toni Morrison.

Morrison has been an excellent author. I do not need to repeat that fact. I want to express my awe at the courage it has taken her to write her works. Because, she has not written merely works of fiction, rather she has written the untold and unacknowledged realities of the subjugated people, namely, the African-Americans. I am not just praising her for writing the realities, rather, the courage it has taken her to write those. I cannot oversee the fact that she has been a female. Being a female in a male-dominated world is difficult enough. So, one can imagine, how difficult it has been for her, being a female author, to write what most male authors would not dare. Because, most authors have been banished from their countries for writing the realities.

November 23, 2019

The Turing Revolt: The War Against Infinity (Book 1) by Rob Bartlett: A Review

"...You created this whole thing; life, the Universe and everything because you're bored."

"Yes!" He agreed.

"And you made a bet that good can win over evil and if evil wins, then you'll reset the Universe."

- Rob Bartlett, The Turing Revolt: The War Against Infinity (Book 1)

The Turing Revolt: The War Against Infinity (Book 1) is the first book that I have read by Rob Bartlett.

The first thing that should be mentioned about this book is that it is suitable for the readers aged 18+. I think if the author reduced the use of the curse words, this book would have appealed to a greater range of readers.

I have been amazed by the futuristic and post-apocalyptic interstellar universe created by the author in this book. The author has described in detail how this universe has evolved from the earth that we are inhabiting now.

November 9, 2019

J. K. Rowling: An Exception or an Example?

An exception is not an example. Yes, this proverb is true. J. K. Rowling is an exception in the matter that her manuscript has got accepted after being rejected from 19 publishing houses (that have been, not probably, but absolutely, regretting their decision since 1997). This is an inspiration for the querying authors to keep trying. But, not everyone has got the patience or the luck of Rowling. This has become a matter of making fun of the querying authors, who get rejected, but keep trying to get their books published. The backhanded compliment is given, saying if J. K. Rowling has done it by 20 attempt, they can do it too.

I get disappointed every time I see a post or a comment ridiculing some author with Rowling's success. Because, it has not been just her luck, it has been her choice to keep trying. We need to respect, if not follow, her conviction in her chosen path. Because, a smart person like her must have realized that she could have failed too.

November 2, 2019

Imprint by Nicholas Adams: A Review

"I'm not her, you know!" her voice rang with desperation. "And yet, I am her."

- Nicholas Adams, Imprint

Imprint is the first book that I have read by Nicholas Adams.

I have liked the theme of the Artificial Intelligence taking the control over the humankind. I have liked the way the author has presented the theme in this book.

I have liked the unconditional love between Cynthiana and Malcolm. Cynthiana forgives her husband for her present condition and Malcolm does not tire of taking care of his bedridden wife.

Professional Choices: Success and Satisfaction

All of us want to be successful in our chosen profession. But, some of us want to do something that they like. I know, most people do not ha...

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